Kimerlee Scott


Home Sellers

Let me help you sell your home.

Journey of
Home Sellers

It’s no new news that the current real estate market is a seller’s market. With the demand and supply of housing staying in favor of the sellers, real estate continues to be profitable for homeowners. Whether you are selling your property because you need a bigger house or you want to downsize, putting your home up for sale is an excellent way of making a significant profit. With the funds realized from the sale of your home, you can go on to finance other personal and economic projects. 

As an experienced real estate professional I am equipped to handle every aspect of the sales process. I have strategic marketing strategies that will help showcase your home in any real estate market. My number one priority is to get you the maximum profit from the sale of your home and provide you with 5 star listing services. If you are ready to sell your home contact me now and let’s start with a free valuation of your home.

If you want to sell your home quickly and for the most money possible, call the real estate professionals at Scott Imperium Property Solutions! Here are a few specific home selling tips that will help you sell your home faster while maximizing your profit potential:

Home improvement tips to
Increase the Value of Home


Your Home

When preparing to sell, improving your home does not only increase curb appeal but also adds significant value to your property, in essence, increasing the sale price. Whether you are on a strict budget or no budget at all, the following home improvement tips ranging from DIYs to small and bigger projects can go a long way in increasing your home value


Your Home

Inspect your home. A home inspection can reveal hidden but easy to fix problems that you do not know about. Termite infestation, deteriorating roofs, broken electrical units, water leaks and other little problems can greatly impair the value of your home when discovered by future buyers. However, you can quickly find and fix these problems before they become big and expensive. 


Go For
Fresh Paint

Fresh painting makes much difference. As simple as it sounds, changing dark wall colors to bright and neutral colors will attract many people to your home. Freshly painted houses look updated, and clean, and it is always advised to paint the interior as well as exterior. 


Invest In

Invest time, efforts and some dollars in landscaping. From lawn care to planting trees, shrubs and flowers, even upgrading your flooring and outdoor space will significantly increase curb appeal and bring more buyers your way. No buyer will choose a property with shabby exterior over a yard with neatly mowed lawn, clean gutters and excellent flooring. 


Remodel Your

Remodeling your home can change a traditional style house to modern and contemporary. Replacing outdated cabinets, old/ worn out fixtures and adding space can turn a cramped kitchen to deluxe. Bathroom remodels, and necessary additions will improve the appearance and sale value of your property. 

Meet Your

Ready to make the most significant financial decision of your life?

Speak to a savvy real estate agent now!

Kimberlee Scott

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